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Mill Street, Uhland Road To Experience Road Closures For Improvements

The project includes a full-depth reconstruction of Mill Street from the intersection of First Street to approximately 1,500 feet to the north. This work will include curb inlets and channel improvements to address drainage in the area.

Staff reports

On Wednesday, November 21, the City of San Marcos announced road closures to begin next week for lanes along southbound Mill Street and westbound Uhland Road.

Closures will begin Thursday, November 29, for a roadway and drainage improvement project that will address aging pavement, drainage issues and increased traffic flow in the area.

The project includes a full-depth reconstruction of Mill Street from the intersection of First Street to approximately 1,500 feet to the north. This work will include curb inlets and channel improvements to address drainage in the area.

The intersection of Mill and Uhland will be reconstructed including the installation of traffic signals. Sidewalks and bike lanes will also be added. Additionally, an 8-inch waterline will be replaced along Mill Street from approximately 350 feet south of Uhland Road to approximately 1,500 feet to the north.

The lane closures are expected to continue until Jan. 29, 2019, weather permitting. The project is expected to be complete in the fall of 2019.

For more information please contact the Engineering Department at 512.393.8130, or email enginfo@sanmarcostx.gov.


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