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Small Business Saturday Returns To Support Local Small Business In San Marcos

American Express created Small Business Saturday in 2010 to encourage communities to support and celebrate their local small businesses and all they do.

By Terra Rivers, Managing Editor

In the aftermath of the hustle and bustle of Black Friday, shoppers around the country are encouraged to support their local small businesses.

American Express created Small Business Saturday in 2010 to encourage communities to support and celebrate their local small businesses and all they do.

Downtown San Marcos, Downtown Association, San Marcos Area Chamber of Commerce and the Greater San Marcos Partnership are encouraging residents and visitors to shop small tomorrow at local small businesses.

Business participating in shop small will be offering free shop small giveaways and promotions throughout the day. All participating businesses will have a shop small signs posted.

According to the Small Business Administration, there are over 30 million small businesses in the United States and nearly half of all American workers either are employed by a small business or own one.

In 2016, the San Marcos Main Street Program partnered with local shops all around San Marcos to bring shopping specials, music giveaways and more. Activities included free pictures with Santa, free giftwrapping for small business purchases, contests and more at the Hays County Historic Courthouse.

Last year, an estimated 109 million consumers nationwide showed their support for small businesses and shopped small on Small Business Saturday.

Shoppers interested in showcasing their favorite local San Marcos business can use #shopsmallsmtx on social media.

Residents can also join Hays County and Downtown San Marcos on November 27 for the annual downtown lighting ceremony at Hays County Courthouse lawn. The ceremony will take place at 5:30 PM.


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