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Texas Rep. Leach Files Amendment To The Texas Constitution

If advanced by the Texas Legislature during the 86th Legislative Session, Texas voters would have the opportunity to ratify this constitutional amendment during the 2019 General Election…

AUSTIN – On Tuesday, Texas Representative Jeff Leach filed House Joint Resolution 38, a measure that would amend the Texas Constitution to prevent and further safeguard Texas taxpayers from the imposition of a statewide personal income tax.

If advanced by the Texas Legislature during the 86th Legislative Session, Texas voters would have the opportunity to ratify this constitutional amendment during the 2019 General Election.

“Texas is the best state in America to live, work and raise a family,” stated Representative Leach. “Due to the hard work and ingenuity of our citizens, and the commonsense, conservative policies advanced by our state’s leaders in recent decades, our population is booming, our economy is robust, and new jobs are being created every day. We must continue to pursue and advance policies that protect and strengthen the Texas Miracle, starting with ensuring that Texans can keep and control more of their hard-earned tax dollars in their own pockets. I am proud to file House Joint Resolution 38 and look forward to working with Governor Abbott, our next Speaker, Dennis Bonnen, and all of my colleagues in the House and Senate to ensure that Texas taxpayers are protected from the possibility of the creation of a personal income tax – which would have disastrous effects on the future of our great state.”

Upon the filing of House Joint Resolution 38, Texas Governor Greg Abbott stated: “Texans know far better than government how to spend their own money. That’s why I applaud Representative Jeff Leach’s proposal to amend the Constitution and forever eliminate the possibility of a state income tax. I look forward to working with Representative Leach to ensure Texas remains the best place to live and work.”

Texas has yet to implement a state income tax and has thrived as a result. As the 10th largest economy in the world, Texas was recently named the “Top State to Do Business” by Chief Executive Magazine for the 14th consecutive year. The Lone Star State was most recently ranked number one of “Top States for Business in America” by CNBC, adding 350,000 jobs in the past year alone.

Representative Leach currently serves as the Vice Chairman of the House Committee on Urban Affairs and serves on the House Committee on Small Business and Economic Development.


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