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Whitley Appointed Secretary Of State Of Texas

The Secretary of State acts as Texas’ chief elections officer and protocol officer for state and international affairs, and serves as liaison for the Governor on Mexican and border affairs…

David Whitley of Alice, was appointed Dec. 17 as the 112th Secretary of State of Texas, effective immediately.

The Secretary of State acts as Texas’ chief elections officer and protocol officer for state and international affairs, and serves as liaison for the Governor on Mexican and border affairs.

New Secretary of State, David Whitley

Whitley’s appointment fills the vacancy left by outgoing Secretary of State Rolando Pablos. Whitley most recently served as deputy chief of staff for the governor. Prior to that, Whitley served as appointments director.

He began working for then-Attorney General Abbott in 2004, serving in various roles including assistant deputy attorney general.

He is a member of the State Bar of Texas and volunteers in The University of Texas Law Mentorship Program.

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This story originally publish by Strategic Partnerships, Inc.


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