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Wimberley ISD Celebrates New Year With New Brand, New Website

“The original WISD logo dates back to 1986 and one word stands out—excellence—we wanted to rebrand while maintaining the original message from our founding,” said Deyanira Romo Rossell, Wimberley ISD Director of Communications.

Wimberley Independent Student District is starting the new year with a new brand and a new website, aligning with and highlighting the strength, innovation and excellence that characterize the District. The launch coincides with the first day back to school for students on January 8. 

Wimberley ISD students, teachers, staff and administrators stand out for their commitment to working together with the community, prioritizing education for everyone in the Wimberley Valley.

“The original WISD logo dates back to 1986 and one word stands out—excellence—we wanted to rebrand while maintaining the original message from our founding,” said Deyanira Romo Rossell, Wimberley ISD Director of Communications. “The WISD Team has been working to preserve this legacy with a more streamlined, modern look and a tagline that truly captures the creativity of WISD teachers and students, and the proven strength of the entire community,” she added. 

The logo design includes an apple for education, a star for Texans and a meander at the bottom to represent movement, highlighting the District’s ideal location nestled among the beautiful Blanco River and Cypress Creek. 

The logo is the star of the show for the new website which offers visitors to wimberleyisd.net a more streamlined platform with a modern design, ease of use and increased functionality for the user.

“What a great way to start 2019! We’re excited that the WISD Board of Trustees voted unanimously to launch our new logo. Together with our new website, this is an enhancement in design that is important to our brand and we are offering all our parents and the team at WISD a simpler way to communicate and get information,” said Dwain York, Wimberley ISD Superintendent of Schools.

Visitors are invited to see the new logo and website at wimberleyisd.net


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