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New Secretary Of State Convenes The 86th Texas Legislature

AUSTIN, TX – Texas Secretary of State David Whitley convened the 86th Legislative Session today, presiding over the opening ceremonies for the Texas House of Representatives and conducting the election of Texas’ new Speaker of the House, Representative Dennis Bonnen.

Secretary Whitley also delivered opening remarks to legislators, imploring them to fully embrace their responsibilities as public servants in the State of Texas.

“Each one of you is expected to rise to the challenge of addressing issues that face Texans in their everyday lives, and to do so in a way that is uniquely Texan: with honor, integrity, strength, and with our Texas pride,” Secretary Whitley said. “You must always bear in mind that the decisions you make impact not only your lives, but also the lives of your fellow Texans, and your priorities must always be with them.”

Secretary Whitley also established protecting election integrity in Texas as a top priority and affirmed the strong partnership between the Texas Secretary of State’s office and election officials in each of Texas’ 254 counties.

“Whether it’s a local, state, or national election, our county officials are at the vanguard of defending our democratic process,” Secretary Whitley said. “I would like to extend a hand in partnership and offer the Secretary of State’s office as a steadfast resource as we continue to work together to protect and preserve our most cherished civic institution. Our democracy is only as strong as the electoral process that maintains it, and I look forward to working with all of you to make it even stronger.”

Secretary Whitley concluded by emphasizing the importance of Texas’ leadership role in the world, as well as the duties of lawmakers in ensuring that Texas remains a top global economy.

“Our economy is larger than that of many global superpowers, and steering it is no easy task,” Secretary Whitley said. “The incredible responsibility of keeping Texas a global leader falls to all of us, as servants to the people of the Lone Star State.

Today, the people of Texas put trust in you to secure the future that Texas has always and will always deserve.”


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