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Hays County Food Bank Kicks Off Annual Souper Bowl Of Caring Campaign To Tackle Hunger

Super Bowl Sunday is a few short weekends away, and the excitement is building to see which two teams will get to battle it out during the big game.

Souper Bowl of Caring uses the excitement to help promote good in the nation. While football players are busy tackling each other, Souper Bowl of Caring encourages everyone all to tackle hunger in their respective communities.

H-E-B is a big supporter of tackling hunger locally. From now until February 3rd (Super Bowl), shoppers can purchase a bag of food (tuna, green beans, corn, peanut butter, and spaghetti) or add a donation amount through tear-out tabs at the counter to participate in this campaign.

Donations made at H-E-B stores in San Marcos will be given to Hays County Food Bank. Last year, shoppers donated nearly 10,000 pounds of food and $30,000 to help tackle hunger in Hays County. Will 2019 be even more fruitful?

Souper Bowl of Caring is not limited to only supporting through grocery stores, however. The organization encourages individuals to collect food and funds on their own to donate to their local hunger-fighting charities. Many groups even go a step further, using a large soup pot to hold their donations.

Your game plan:

  1. Register your group and check out the free resources at https://souperbowl.org.

  2. Promote your event as much as possible.

  3. Collect money and/or food before or on Super Bowl Sunday (February 3, 2019).

  4. Report your results on the Souper Bowl of Caring website and share your victory.

  5. Donate what you have collected to your charity of choice.

Let’s start the year off right by making sure all have enough to eat. If members of the community would like to host a food or fund drive that’s not associated with Souper Bowl of Caring, please contact Hays County Food Bank at (512) 392-8300 x230 or visit https://www.haysfoodbank.org/.


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