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Abbott Releases Statement On Austin City Council Decision To Defund Austin Police Department

AUSTIN — Governor Greg Abbott Friday issued a statement following Austin City Council’s decision to cut $150 million from the Austin Police Department’s budget:

“Some cities are more focused on political agendas than public safety,” said Governor Abbott. “Austin’s decision puts the brave men and women of the Austin Police Department and their families at greater risk, and paves the way for lawlessness. Public safety is job one, and Austin has abandoned that duty. The legislature will take this issue up next session, but in the meantime, the Texas Department of Public Safety will stand in the gap to protect our capital city.”

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    1. Seems smart. Save $100+ million in your local budget, and if help is needed, the governor will step in and cover the gaps. This is perfect fiscal responsibility.

      Also, defunding the police means not firing a single officer. It means they aren’t expanding beyond there present size. I think we can all agree the police force is plenty big enough, based on the size of their forces during the downtown protests.

      1. Great advise mayor supporter.

        It’s just another poor decision the mayor caved into. I can not wait until he is voted out of office, along with the rest of them. John may not be from around here or just doesn’t want to see the growth. Most houses are bought, torn down and replaced with duplexes.

        As far as the “Show of Force” APD showed. It was “SMART” to do that to ensure there wasn’t any looting. Ask the businesses if they had any. Because everyone knows broken glass and stolen goods are good for business. Or is that just something protesters do? Hurt the local businesses to get free stolen goods. everyone wins. NOT

  1. I understand the why however, I think it’s bs that the rest of the state will have to cover Austin’s expenses to protect and police. They’ve allowed too many idiots to move in and have become so liberal that they no longer use common sense. Makes me so so sad not the Austin I grew up knowing.

    1. Right, I moved to Austin in the mid 90. And the Keep Austin Weird was okay because if I didn’t like it, I would just go somewhere else.

      But the keep Austin weird is just out of control. Homeless sit, lay, sleep, Really, you don’t take in to considieration the 100,000 plus living and paying to live here. Let’s give in to the media driven wrecklessness of the ones that commit crimes and live on the streets for free. It’s a slap in the face for me and should be for everyone that pays for a roof over their head. To which the mayor said, we didn’t think it would get that bad that quick.

      Small amounts of marijuana, so the courts don’t know how to proceed. mayor said the police can still do their jobs and so can the court. Forget the cost of the officers time, in money that is. The court time processing them. The cost to now only house them, feed them and clothes them, most importantly, medicate them and if officers or civilians get hurt.

      Road work where it’s not needed. Highways, Highways, highways. That’s just dumb

      And now defund the police. Let’s just let the people of Austin police themselves. If there is a shooting. Let the HOA handle it. If there’s a break-in, I hope you know your neighbors.

  2. Ha, haaaaa. Found a way around this commie pinko city council. Good for you Gubna. Now, fork out that money to the DPS, mayor Adler, you pathetic excuse of a mayor.

  3. Thank you, Governor Abbott. Austin City Council has a bunch of idiots that do not give a flip for their inhabitants. Shame on them for putting people in jeopardy!

  4. I worry for Texas. To many people have moved away from Democrat superiority and brought with them the same thinking. This has resulted in the actions of no protection and life endangerment due to the reduction of police budgets! Protest…do something…just do not sit there and become a statistic! I blame each of the voters in Austin for this! You wanted the motto: KEEP AUSTIN WEIRD!.

    Well, now you got more than you wanted. I will not drive or go near Austin without armed protection! WELCOME TO THE WILD WILD WEST!

  5. Will this be like the time he promised that he would override the public camping ordinance and solve the homeless problem that Adler has been fueling, or will it be like the time he stood up and put a stop to Adler’s “Orwellian” mask mandates?

  6. This is the most absured ridiculous and irresponsible thing that the mayor and city council have gone and done.
    I pray no one decides to go raid and break into homes because the police won’t be there to assist! And who will be to blame for this? The police were place in every city to do what “to protect and serve”
    Where will the protection be if a child is crying because someone broke into their home, or someone shot in their home or home invasion? Where will the police be? Where s tje protection? Shame on you mayor , shame on all of you city council members.

  7. the governor cleaned up one homeless camp and then quit. There have been no state-run cleanups since. Austin is not safe. If you have to go there, get your concealed carry permit and go armed.

  8. I agree with Governor Abbott. I’m very disappointed Austin city council. to defund the police you are subjecting your City to violence horrible formal criminal Acts you do not understand what you were doing there is more racism in the entire world but everybody needs to remember that all lives matter yes black lives matter but all lives matter as well but what you’re doing is you’re jeopardizing the safety and wellness of those individuals that do wear a badge when you yourself Miss councilman Mr councilman need the police and you have to call them and they don’t show up think about what you did you defended them of money that they need for protection for training for better equipment what are you doing why are you listening to protesters you don’t even need to be protesting they feel the same way when they will feel the same way let me correct myself when they need the police in the police don’t come shame on you. Shame on the city council of Austin you have just ruined the capital of the state of Texas

  9. You haven’t heard ….?

    Austin is now dumping off homeless people here by the van load.
    Ask any cop you know well enough to be trusted with the truth, upon
    how San Marcos presently is being inundated with homeless people.
    My personal experience is that half of these new arrivals are openly dangerous.
    Aggressive and uninhibited, pursuing addictions which they sleep off anywhere. The world is their garbage can.
    Welcome to our new normal, courtesy of our ruling elite, otherwise known your City Council.

    1. The homeless problem is one of the reason I decided to become a candidate for mayor of the City of San Marcos.

      1. well, hey ….if homelessness motivates you, consider the couch they installed in Chase Stapp’s new ceremonial office here at City Hall (after having to step down from his position as police chief). Now the couch folds out into a bed, and seeing how Chase lacks only another seven months for his thirty year retirement, the only question at hand appears to be, Will you settle for a couch now, instead of asking for a couch later in order to wait for your retirement, once you discover there is no cure presently available to us against the corruption of our ruling elite in this municipality, save providing each and every one of them a couch in addition to a criminal defense attorney for the duration of their municipal public service here selflessly devoted to satisfying the object of each and every out-of-state big-money corporation who appears on the horizon, lonely and needing a friend, here, in the second fastest growing county in the nation.

        Homeless or not, Mr. Harris, just remember, the municipal corruption here allows you either a couch, retirement or both, in no specific order. However, should you attempt to chart your own course, be advised how the couch nevertheless awaits, and that both Chase Stapp and the Titanic went down with their lights on.

  10. Funny how outskirts can be middle of the road/conservstine but center of Austin crazy liberal. After seeing what is happening in dem led cities, Austin better wake up and show up at the polls. Good news is this is Texas, we are heavily armed.

  11. Damn Californians have driven up prices and have brought their liberal ways to Austin. Now they’re bringing homeless people and gangs from Los Angeles and their going to bring that damn weed here too.

  12. Don’t be so glib. De-funding the police is aimed at causing the death of Americans by violence. When things get unimaginably bad, and the will, and there are no police? Then what will you do and where will you go? I’m telling you the elite and coming new world system is focused on depopulation. Eighty percent of the current global population will likely be dead by 2030. N-E-V-E-R GET TESTED FOR the CORONA VIRUS. It is nearly harmless but nevertheless, you will test positive and then you are finished. N-E-V-E-R TAKE A VACCINE, the vaccine is a decent into a Hell of sickness that will spread causing your death. 5G cell phone radiation will kill those who do not take action against the technology at tower sites and or refuse to put the phone away for good and all. Survival depends on it. COVID-19 is NOT the name of this disease, COVID-19 is THE OPERATIONAL CODE WORD FOR THE GENOCIDE OF EIGHTY PERCENT of the world’s population. The JDL said never again. We are not on our own, WE HAVE TO FIGHT THIS EVIL WHERE IT IS AND AMERICANS NEED TO MAKE CERTAIN THAT JOE BIDEN GETS N-O-W-H-E-R-E N-E-A-R T-H-E W-H-I-T-E H-O-U-S-E-!

  13. In 1833 the ruling elite of Mexico de-funded everything, including the Mexican constitution of 1824.

    Mexican citizens, such as my fathers, who were induced to settle in the area later known as Texas
    under the protections of law provided by that constitution, repeatedly reminded the newly arisen
    dictator Santa Anna, “We are loyal Mexican citizens, please restore what you have taken from us”

    The “defunding” of a thing is not a new concept, nor are the consequences.

    The question, rather, is that, by defunding the police Who Really Stands To Gain ?
    Consider what we did, as american soldiers, after having invaded Iraq and removed the only
    leader capable of efficiently policing the disparate political factions existing in that nation,
    Correct, we simply told citizens “Hey, calm down, we’re just here to stabilize your government.”

    After months of downrange sniping and demolition thrown our way by Iraqi citizens who
    believed they had a right to defend their own borders from foreign invasion, we became
    annoyed and simply closed upon any target, killing man, woman and child. I was there.

    Defund is just another word for Disenfranchise. Welcome to Mexico, v.2 It’s The New Normal !

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