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AG Paxton Announces Coordinating Council Plan To Help Eradicate Human Trafficking 

AUSTIN – Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that his office, leading the Human Trafficking Prevention Coordinating Council, released Phase I of a five-year strategic plan to halt and prevent human trafficking in Texas.

The Coordinating Council is the first single entity in the state to focus solely on coordinating efforts to combat human trafficking, and the strategic plan uses a multi-phased, integrative approach to eradicating and preventing this heinous crime.

“Human trafficking is a horrific crime that targets vulnerable men, women, and children in our communities. Fortunately, Texas is a national leader in prosecuting offenders and assisting victims. Through the strategic planning and coordination of the Human Trafficking Prevention Coordinating Council, Texas is now in an even better position to eradicate the intolerable crime of modern-day slavery,” said Attorney General Paxton. “I commend our Legislature for passing laws to fight this inexcusable offense, and I applaud the dedicated efforts of state agencies as we take this fight to the traffickers’ doorsteps.”

As designated by the Texas Legislature in Senate Bill 72, the Coordinating Council is comprised of a group of representatives from state agencies tasked with inventorying and evaluating all human trafficking programs administered by state agencies, higher education, and political subdivisions.

From this data, the Coordinating Council is responsible for developing a plan of action for fighting human trafficking.

Read the strategic plan here

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