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Amazon Rises Above Expectations

The San Marcos Fulfillment center is the fifth location in the state of Texas.

When Amazon opened a fulfillment center in San Marcos, the company estimated it would bring 1,000 jobs.

The Greater San Marcos Partnership, which helped bring Amazon to San Marcos, knew the center would not only provide job opportunities for the Corridor but also play a role in San Marcos’s growth. 

Five months later, the company had hired over 3,000 permanent employees to help meet the facility’s needs.

In the days leading up to Christmas, the facility successfully shipped a record of 1 million packages in a single day.

GSMP President, Adriana Cruz, said Amazon has been running job opening ads since the facility opened in August, but not because the company was having a hard time filling them.

The San Marcos Fulfillment center is the fifth location in the state of Texas. There are only four other centers worldwide that hit the 1 million packages record in a single day.

The company has also joined other local businesses in paying employees a $15 minimum wage.

Amazon also provides health care and other benefits, such as tuition reimbursement.

There are no limitations on the tuition reimbursement, meaning the company does not require its employees to focus on a field that will help them rise within the company itself.

Cruz said the job opportunities and benefits Amazon has provided has helped to further the city’s growth.

GSMP has helped bring several other large companies such as the Best Buy Call Center and several hotels to the San Marcos area.


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One Comment

  1. Question, are there 3,000 people currently employed or does 3,000 include total number of people hired over time which includes attrition since they opened? If the later how many are currently employed today at this fulfillment center? No reading between the lines this is just a question as is. Glad they are here.

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