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An Overview Of Hays County, Local Governments’ FY 2018 Budgets

With the start of Fiscal Year 2018 approaching, cities and counties throughout Hays County are preparing the final reading of their budget.


The Hays County Commissioners Court is finalizing their budget; the $237.8 million bond for public safety renovations and road improvements passed in November 2017 election will double the county’s budget compared to last year.


According to the Hays County Financial Transparency page, the proposed budget is $357 million for the FY 2018.


The budget will include $1 million for flood mitigation projects, $1 million for radio communications infrastructure and $500,000 for jail improvements and repairs. $2.5 million is proposed for 34 new employee positions and personnel changes.


The commissioners court held public hearings on Sept. 5 and Sept. 12 meetings. The proposed tax rate is 44.5 percent. The budget was approved during Tuesday’s meeting, Sept. 19, after a final hearing.


Buda approved a $92 million budget and a property tax rate of 36.73 cents per $100 value on Sept. 19. San Marcos has a proposed budget of $214 million budget with a property tax rate of 61.39 cents per $100 value.


On Sept. 5, Kyle City Council approved at $75.5 million budget; public hearings were held on Aug. 15 and Aug. 22. The FY 2018 property tax rate is 54.16 cents per $100.


All budgets can be found on the County and City financial transparency pages.



San Marcos

Hays County


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