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Aquifer Storage And Recovery Bill For Buda Heads To The Governor’s Desk

Austin, TX — The Texas House and Senate have each put its stamp of approval on legislation to help secure the water supply of the rapidly-growing City of Buda.

State Representative Erin Zwiener and Senator Donna Campbell worked together to pass Senate Bill 483, which allows fresh water to be stored in the Edwards Aquifer in times of abundance so the city can draw from it during peak usage times and drought. The bill passed the House with 144 votes Wednesday afternoon and now awaits Governor Greg Abbott’s signature.

“As cities like Buda expand, we need to have frameworks in place to meet growing demand, especially that of our water supplies,” said Rep. Zwiener. “This bill ensures Buda has access to an adequate water supply no matter the time of year while protecting the quality of their drinking water. This is a cost-effective way to utilize the Edwards Aquifer to reduce the City of Buda’s reliance on surface water and meet peak demand during times of greatest need.”

Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) is an innovative technology already used by the Cities of El Paso, Kerrville, and San Antonio to utilize existing geological formations to store water in underground reservoirs to draw from during dry periods. The Edwards Aquifer composes 40% of  Buda’s water supply while the city relies on surface water for the other 60%.

“I am grateful to Sen. Donna Campbell for working with me to address this issue and look forward to seeing the Governor sign this bill into law,” said. Rep. Zwiener. “Investing in aquifer storage recovery today will delay Buda’s need to secure new water sources and provide resiliency in times of drought.”


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