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Arctic cold front to move through Hays County this week

Sierra Martin | Managing Editor

HAYS COUNTY — Reports from the National Weather Service are indicating that a strong arctic cold front will move through the area on Wednesday evening, bringing the coldest temperatures to the region this winter so far.

Forecasters are not anticipating conditions with the severity or impact of the February 2021 winter storm, but freezing conditions are expected Thursday across the Hill Country and portions of the I-35 corridor. Hard freezes may occur on Thursday and Friday nights.

Take steps to prepare your home, family and pets, for winter weather conditions:

  • As temperatures drop to 30 degrees, let indoor faucets drip throughout your home
  • Open the cabinets under the sinks in your kitchen and bathrooms to allow heated air to circulate around the water pipes
  • Wrap outside pipes and hoses
  • Prior to a storm hitting, purchase batteries and/or charging units to fit your flashlights, radios, cell phones and other tech equipment
  • Prepare for power outages by gathering the appropriate supplies now
  • Stay indoors and dress warmly
  • Stay off the roads and highways
  • Check on your neighbors, particularly elderly people who live alone
  • If generators must be used, keep them outdoors 
  • Pay attention to TV, radio and reverse 9-1-1 alerts
  • Bring your pets indoors and prepare safe areas for them

Sign up for local emergency alerts at www.warncentraltexas.org and get road updates at www.drivetexas.org

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