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Austin City Council Calls For Applications For Sobriety Center Board Of Directors

The Austin City Council seeks applications from qualified individuals to serve on the eleven-member Sobriety Center Local Government Corporation Board of Directors. The opening is to fill an unexpired term that will run through September 30, 2022.

The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. on Friday, September 13, 2019.

The Sobriety Center Local Government Corporation is incorporated to aid and to act on behalf of the City and the County to accomplish their governmental purpose; namely to staff, manage, and operate a sobriety center for the safe short-term treatment and management of persons under the influence of alcohol, and to provide those persons with information on and referrals to community-based outpatient services, for the purposes of preservation of law enforcement, judicial, and medical resources in the jurisdictional limits of the City and the County.
The City Council is looking for the following qualities in its Director to the Sobriety Center Local Government Corporation:

  • At least eighteen (18) years of age;
  • A resident of both the City of Austin, Texas and Travis County, Texas
  • Citizen of the State of Texas
  • Individuals with relevant expertise in fields such as legal, medical, behavioral and mental health, public health, chemical dependency and addiction, as well as business, philanthropy, and fundraising

Application Process
Interested applicants may complete a City of Austin Boards and Commissions application online at https://austintexas.granicus.com/boards/forms/385/apply.
Applicants are also requested to submit a resume describing their qualifications and a Statement of Intent expressing why they wish to serve on the Sobriety Center Local Government Corporation.

Resumes and Statements of Intent may be submitted with the application or via email to Stephanie Hall, Boards and Commissions Coordinator at stephanie.hall@austintexas.gov.
Applications will be reviewed by the Austin City Council Health & Human Services Committee.

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