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Austin City Council Members Call for Stronger Wildfire Prevention & Protection Strategies

Council Member Sheri Gallo is bringing forth a resolution during the May 12City Council meeting that would strengthen wildfire defense strategies, set a goal of zero wildland fire related deaths and put in place Local Community Wildfire Protection Plans.

This push from Council Member Gallo and co-sponsors Council Member Delia Garza, Council Member Ellen Troxclair, Council Member Ora Houston and Council Member Don Zimmerman comes after the devastating wildfires in 2011 ravaged 47,000 areas across Central Texas and destroyed more than 1,800 homes and the wildfires that have occurred since.

The goal of this resolution is to prevent Austin from suffering the devastating effects of a wildfire and to further the work of the Community Wildfire Protection Plan, which was adopted by City Council in March 2014.

When: 9:30 a.m. on May 12
Where: Austin City Hall Media Room
Speakers: Council Member Gallo, Council Member Garza and Austin Firefighters Association President Bob Nicks

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