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Austin City Council Members Clean Barton Springs Pool For “Council Cleans The Pool Day”

The day’s events kicked off at 9 AM on the north side of the Pool with a press conference presentation promoting recent Barton Springs Pool projects supported by Austin City Council.

With Austin’s population growing every year, the demands on Barton Springs, the Edwards Aquifer, and our water resources continue to grow.

Friends of Barton Springs Pool and Barton Springs Conservancy joined the Mayor and Austin City Council members on Thursday, October 11, 2018, to promote increased awareness of issues affecting our environment, parks, and pools, including specifically Barton Springs Pool.

The day’s events kicked off at 9 AM on the north side of the Pool with a press conference presentation promoting recent Barton Springs Pool projects supported by Austin City Council.

Mayor Steve Adler and Council Members Alison Alter, Jimmy Flannigan, Ann Kitchen, Leslie Pool, Kathie Tovo, and Ellen Troxclair attended the event to provide information about the 2018 GO Bond package, which supports our environment, parks, and pools, and to discuss hotel tax funding for the rehabilitation of Historic Barton Springs Bathhouse.

Following remarks, Friends of Barton Springs Pool conducted a tour of the Pool that includes the Historic Bathhouse, the Upstream Dam, a tour of invasive plants, new tree plantings, the reintroduction of aquatic plants, and the recently completed Eliza Daylighting project.

For more information about Council Cleans the Pool Day, visit http://friendsofbartonspringspool.org.


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