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Austin Hosting The National Arts Marketing Project Conference

Austin will host the 2016 National Arts Marketing Project Conference (NAMPC), November 11-14. The Conference attracts more than 650 attendees each year, and comprises of two half-day interactive pre-conferences, three keynote speakers, 35+ professional development sessions, peer-to-peer learning experiences, and networking and social opportunities. Its expert speakers are a mix of marketing and audience engagement professionals from technology, media, hospitality, and consumer engagement as well as leading arts practitioners and consultants who share lessons and actionable takeaways with their peers. The theme for the 2016 National Arts Marketing Project Conference, FUELING CHANGE, illustrates the transformative shifts that Austin’s identity continues to experience.


The City of Austin Economic Development Department / Cultural Arts Division invites arts & culture professionals who live and work in the Austin-area to apply for scholarships to attend the National Arts Marketing Project Conference in Austin, November 11-14, 2016. Up to 10 scholarships will be awarded to cover registration to the main conference. The deadline to apply is July 20, 2016.


The City will offer up to 10 scholarships to attend NAMPC 2016 for arts & culture professionals who live and work in the Austin-area. To qualify for these scholarships, you must be an arts and culture professional who:

  • resides in Austin or the surrounding ETJ; AND
  • is employed by an arts, culture, or creative organization located in Austin; OR
  • is an individual creative


The scholarships cover the cost of registration to the main conference only, including all keynotes, sessions, and the opening reception. The scholarships do not cover the cost of any preconference registrations, travel, meals, or hotel accommodation.


To apply, visit the NAMPC website: www.artsmarketing.org/conference. Scholarship applications will be due by 11:59 PM EST July 20, 2016 and recipients will be announced by August 15, 2016.

City of Austin Cultural Arts Division

The Cultural Arts Division of the Economic Development Department provides leadership and management for the City’s cultural arts programs and for the development of arts and cultural industries. The Cultural Arts Division is responsible for the Cultural Arts Funding Programs, Art in Public Places Program, community-based arts development, and programs to assist the development of film and creative industries in Austin. For more information, visit www.austincreates.com.

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