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Austin to host DOD’s ‘Defense Innovation Unit Experimental’

The U.S. Department of Defense announced it will establish a new Defense Innovation Unit Experimental, or DIUx, in Austin. The Austin hub for innovation will be the DOD’s third DIUx site, with offices already existing in Silicon Valley and Boston.

Defense Secretary, Ash Carter, speaks to innovation leaders during a visit to Capital Factory, Austin, Texas, Sept. 14, 2016. (DoD photo by U.S. Army Sgt. Amber I. Smith/Release.)

The goal of the initiative is to link the DOD with leading innovators to address national security challenges. The Austin DIUx will initially be located in the technology incubator, the Capital Factory.


It will be led by Christy Abizaid, who previously served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia and on the staff of the National Security Council.


“I created DIUx last year because one of my core goals as secretary of defense has been to build, and in some cases rebuild, the bridges between our national security endeavor at the Pentagon  and America’s wonderfully innovative and open technology community,” said Secretary of Defense Ash Carter.


“Austin’s commitment to innovation, access to talent and academia, as well as the department’s longstanding ties to Texas, make this an ideal next location for DIUx.”



Officials said DIUx has signed five agreements for $3.5 million to date. Another 22 projects are reported to be in the pipeline for a total of $65 million. More information is available here

This article originally published by Strategic Partnerships Inc,

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