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Austin To Solicit Road, Wastewater Plant Engineering Services In Fall 2021

The City of Austin is preparing to release two major solicitations next year to widen a major arterial thoroughfare and to improve access to a wastewater treatment plant.

In October 2021, Austin Transportation Department plans to issue an invitation for a bid for preliminary engineering on Slaughter Lane from MoPac/Loop 1 to Brodie Lane. This Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) project proposes to widen Slaughter from four to six lanes, add shared-use paths, and install landscaping enhancements.

The estimated project cost is $32.56 million. Funding will be provided by the city’s 2016 Mobility Bond and a federal CAMPO grant.

An invitation for a bid for the Fallwell Lane Capital Project is scheduled for release in November 2021.

The estimated $40.83 million projects will provide improved access to the South Austin Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Sand Hill Energy Center by relocating the existing access road and protecting against flood erosion.

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