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Austin Youth Council to Host Job Fest for Area Students

The City of Austin’s Youth Council (AYC) will host the third annual Career Fest on April 12, providing Austin area youth with opportunities to speak with business and organization representatives about future employment opportunities.


More than 100 businesses and organizations will be on hand to discuss career and job options, internships, and volunteer opportunities, as well as what steps current students should take to prepare for future careers.


The event will take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at  Palmer Events Center, 900 Barton Springs Road.

The student-focused event is free, and open to all area students, as well as others in the community. More than 1,000 area high school students are expected to attend.


Employers at the event will include HEB, Austin Film Society, Time Warner Cable,  Hilton Hotels and Resorts, and several City of Austin departments,  In addition, Google Fiber will be giving away two Chrome books during the course of the day.


A press conference at the start of the event will include appearances by Country & Western Singer Jack Ingram, and Marcus Cannon, a professional football player from the New England Patriots, as well as other special guests.


In 2014, the AYC decided to host this event to help high school students who have concerns about not having enough information and opportunities to find out about future careers in the community.


The Career Fest is sponsored, in part, by Workforce Solutions Capital Area, and the City of Austin’s Aviation Department.


The Austin Youth Council is a City of Austin program for area high school students to engage and learn more about local government. The program, in its third year, was an initiative of the Mayor’s Office.

For more information visit www.austintexas.gov/kids


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