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Blanco River Regional Recovery Team Disaster Survivors Public Mtg April 20

The Blanco River Regional Recovery Team (BR3T) will hold its monthly public meeting on Wednesday, April 20, at 2 p.m. and encourages anyone who still needs assistance from the May or October 2015 floods and storms, as well as any interested person, to attend.


This meeting is to facilitate an understanding of what BR3T has accomplished to date, what is ongoing and what is planned for the future. This is an excellent opportunity for persons to ask questions, gather information, share ideas and learn about the disaster recovery process in the four counties served by the BR3T.


BR3T is the designated long-term recovery organization for Blanco, Hays, Caldwell and Guadalupe Counties and works to fill unmet needs resulting from the 2015 Memorial Day and All Saints flooding events, which are presidentially declared disasters.


The meeting is at 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 20, at the Dunbar Recreation Center, 801 W. MLK, San Marcos, Texas 78666.

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