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UPDATED: San Marcos Police Officer Shot And Killed In Line Of Duty Identified

A San Marcos Police Officer was shot and killed Monday afternoon while serving a warrant in the El Camino Real Subdivision.


San Marcos Police Officer Kenneth Copeland, 58 was murdered this afternoon.

A San Marcos Police Officer was shot and killed Monday afternoon while serving a warrant in the  El Camino Real Subdivision. The officer’s was Kenneth Copeland, 58.

He and other SMPD officers were serving a warrant in the subdivision when the suspect shot him multiple times.  The officer was wearing his protective vest and was transported to Central Texas Medical Center immediately.

The officer was pronounced deceased at 3:50 p.m. by Justice of the Peace Joann Prado.

A suspect is in custody following a standoff with the San Marcos/Hays County SWAT. The suspect was shot during the standoff and has been transported to an Austin hospital. 



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One Comment

  1. I knew Ken by name only. He was a good man and example for what police should be. I have heard stories of his dedication to his family and fellow officers. This dedication is apparent as he was working on his day off.

    It makes me sick that some scumbag took a man like this life. I’m glad this piece of trash survived getting shot… I hope he rots on death row before he burns in hell

    Rest in Peace Ken… my thoughts and prayers to your family and fellow officers at San Marcos Police

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