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Buda Announces Houston Street Area Drainage Improvement Project Update

On Wednesday, May 29, Railroad Street at Rose Street will close. Detour signs are be up in the area. Access will be allowed to residential properties for the duration of the construction project.

The City’s contractor will be allowed to work between 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., will be required to secure the construction zone overnight, and will have a traffic control plan in force at all times during work within the public right-of-way.

With the approval of the City, water utility work may continue later than 9:00 p.m. and earlier than 7:00 a.m. Affected water utility customers will be notified at least 48 hours prior to any work proceeding after normal working hours.

The Houston Street Drainage Improvement project is expected to be finished in Summer 2019. The City of Buda will provide updates for the various phases of the project. These capital improvements are part of Buda Bond Proposition 4.


Starting Now: Full closure and detour of Railroad Street at Rose Street. Construct culvert under Railroad Street.

Ongoing: Full closure and detour of Rose Street at Lilly Street remains in place ahead of final surface improvements and street repaving.

Ongoing: Full closure and detour of Houston Street for culvert work at Prairie Avenue. Construct culverts across intersection.

Complete: Construct open channel along vacant Lilly Street row.

Complete: Construction culvert along Rose Street.

Complete: Construction open channel along Pucket Alley


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