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Buda Area Chamber Launches Two Times (2X) For Buda Campaign

The Buda Area Chamber of Commerce (BACC) Tuesday launched a web- and social-media-based campaign to encourage area residents to buy from local restaurants at least two times per week.

“Businesses across Buda and the surrounding area have been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, but local eating establishments and catering services have been hit especially hard. With stay-at-home orders and social distancing in effect, we know it is critical to do all we can to support local restaurants so they can not only keep as many people working as possible during this unprecedented event but also are ultimately able to re-open when this crisis passes,” explains J.R. Gonzales, Executive Director, BACC.

This campaign is inclusive of all restaurants, food trucks and/or catering services, not just BACC member businesses.

With more than 50 eateries throughout the greater Buda area, residents can choose from a variety of different offerings. 

“We are asking every person in Buda and the surrounding area to commit to buying from local restaurants at least two times a week. To help, the Chamber has posted a list of all area restaurants on our website. Food Trucks and catering services that are open for delivery or curbside pickup service are also included on the web site” said Chamber Board Chairman, John Hatch.  “Buying from one of Buda’s eateries two times a week, along with providing a tip, will help these owners keep their people employed.” 

The community is encouraged to go to the Chamber website or Facebook group page to see the list of restaurants and companies offering curbside pickup and delivery.

“Now more than ever, it is essential to spend money locally. For every dollar spent, 67-cents stays in the community,” added Gonzales. 

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One Comment

  1. Cracker Barrel just fired everyone but the ‘good old boys’ manager buddies club. The rest of the employees had their health benefits, life insurance, and retirement stolen right out from under them. I don’t think I will be helping to save their business ever again.

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