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Buda City Council Approves Agreement to Purchase Equipment for Flood Early Warning System

The grant will be used to support the construction of permanent FEWS installations along flood-prone public roads in the City.

The Buda City Council has approved an agreement with Water & Earth Technologies, Inc., to purchase equipment for the City of Buda’s Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) Project.

In August of 2016, the City received a $585,780 grant from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) that will help pay for the new warning systems.

The grant will be used to support the construction of permanent FEWS installations along flood-prone public roads in the City. The project will enhance the Hays County FEWS through the installation of five new automated signals (flashing lights) at the following locations:  

  • Onion Creek Bridge on RM 967
  • Cole Springs Road at RM 967
  • Garlic Greek Culvert on RM 967
  • Bluff Street at FM 2770
  • Main Street at Bradfield Park.

These flood prone locations were identified as a result of previous flood events. The warning system will monitor precipitation, stream levels, and rising water at the five designated crossings 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Citizens will also be able to monitor the conditions at the five identified locations online.  The City will work with the Hays County Office of Emergency Management (HCOEM) to maintain the warning system.  

As part of the TWDB grant requirements, the City of Buda will offer a 50% match on the funding.

The project will be completed by August 31, 2018.


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