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Buda City Council Approves Agreement To Replace Water Meter Reading System

The new system will enable customers to see their consumption data in real-time as opposed to having to request their consumption data from the City.

The Buda City Council recently approved an agreement with Siemens Industry, Inc., to install and replace the City’s water meter system.

The new system will enable customers to see their consumption data in real-time as opposed to having to request their consumption data from the City. This will also give citizens control over their consumption by enabling customers to set usage alerts and leak warnings.     


The new “Neptune” system will replace 3,806 City of Buda water meters located throughout the City. The Neptune system was selected because it offers a no moving parts meter for meters up to 2.

This results in more accurate reads and a longer lifespan of the meter. With the new system, citizens can proactively manage and monitor their consumption data. The new system will enable customers to see their consumption data in real-time as opposed to having to request their consumption data from the City.

Installation is slated to begin this spring.

More information about the project, including the process for swapping out meters, will be available in the future. To track the status and see updates on this project, visit www.ci.buda.tx.us/water


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