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Buda City Council Approves Boundary Lines For Districts A, B, And C

These single-member districts will be used as boundaries for electing City Councilmembers beginning with the November 2018 Election.

In November of 2017, voters approved an amendment to the City Charter for the City of Buda to transition to single-member districts.

Buda City Council Places 2, 4, and 6 will be the first to switch from at-large to single-member districts.

These places are now assigned as District A (Place 4 — Paul Daugereau), District B (Place 6 — Evan Ture), and District C (Place 2 — Wiley Hopkins).

At the June 5, 2018, City Council meeting, Council approved the district lines for Districts A, B, and C. These single-member districts will be used as boundaries for electing City Councilmembers beginning with the November 2018 Election.

Districts A, B, and C are up for election this year. The single-member district position District C shall carry a one-year term.

The single-member district position District B shall carry a two-year term. The single-member district position District A shall carry a three-year term.

A flow chart is available on the website for your convenience outlining the transition process of the single-member districts.

Two public hearings were held to accept comments on April 3 and April 17.

Additionally, a Public Input Workshop was held on May 29, 2018, giving the City Council and the general public an opportunity to participate in an interactive exercise by which any attendee could direct adjustments to the boundary lines for the proposed Illustrative Plan and test the impact of each adjustment to the districting criteria and guidelines, so one could explore alternative boundaries before final consideration by the City Council.

City Council was presented with two options at the June 5, 2018 Council meeting.


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