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Buda City Council Meeting – August 4, 2015

Buda City Council Agenda 8-4-2015
6:30 P.M. — Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Council Chambers, 121 Main Street
Buda, TX 78610


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  1. Media
    Your fluoridation presenter is probably unaware that there is no valid scientific evidence proving that fluoridation reduces tooth decay, according to the prestigious Cochrane group (a prominent and trusted network of objective researchers) which, with a grant from the CDC, reviewed fluoridation research and found the studies to be biased, out-dated and otherwise methodologically flawed bringing serious doubt about the validity of continuing the fluoridation program in the US which began and was endorsed early in the last century before modern science proved that fluoride is not a nutrient nor essential for healthy teeth and that swallowing fluoride delivers risks without any benefits For Newsweek’s report on the Cochrane fluoridation review: http://www.newsweek.com/fluoridation-may-not-prevent-cavities-huge-study-shows-348251

  2. Founder
    Area dentacrats (dentist-bureaucrats), terrified at the petition drive in San Marcos down the road, are desperately trying to line up a new recruit within the I-35 corridor. Hopefully Buda residents, mindful of the fluoride problems in next-door Kyle, will say no thank you to this extremely bad idea.

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