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Buda Prepares For Legislative Day At The Capitol

The City of Buda, Buda Economic Development Corporation, and the Buda Area Chamber of Commerce is gearing up for “Buda Legislative Day” at the Capitol on March 8, 2017.

This is an opportunity for City leaders to meet with lawmakers to discuss upcoming legislation that could impact our community.

As directed by City Council, the City will participate in the 85th Texas Legislative Session (2017) process through monitoring and actively advocating for or against legislation to support or safeguard the interests of the City.

In past sessions, Buda has been successful in its legislative efforts. In 2013, two major bills passed with statewide implications, led by the City of Buda. These included: 

Senate Bill 1086 – the “Black Hydrant” Bill. This bill was passed to require fire hydrants in investor-owned utility company’s CCN areas to be painted red if they meet minimum fire flow requirements. This primarily affected Monarch Utilities in the Buda area, but also benefitted Kyle who was also active in supporting the bill.

House Bill 3159 – the “ESD Sales Tax Division” Bill. This bill was passed to address cities and emergency services districts that had worked out sales and use tax agreements between one another. It requires the Comptroller to allocate sales & use tax payments in a manner consistent with such agreements.

Below is a set of specific issues the City and its legislative advocates intend to pursue:

  • Seek Introduction and Passage of Legislation/Rulemaking to Support Implementation of Aquifer Storage & Recovery Seek Introduction and Passage of Legislation to
  • Support City use of Hotel Occupancy Tax for Improvements to Sporting & Events Facilities Support Legislation of Safe Neighborhoods (Lowering Statewide Prima Facie Speed Limit to 25 mph)
  • Support Legislation to Address Failure to Identify (Penal Code 38.02) Oppose Legislation or State Budget Decisions That Would Create Unfunded Mandates or Divert Municipal Revenues and Support Measures That Preserve Local Control Over the Issuance of Debt to Meet Local Needs
  • Oppose Legislation that Further Artificially Caps Appraisal Values or Revenues Statewide; and Support Legislation that Ensures that Properties are Appraised at True Market Value
  • Oppose Legislation Resulting in Eminent Domain Restrictions for Cities Oppose legislation or State Budget Decisions That Would Create Unfunded Mandates or Divert Municipal Revenues and Support Measures That Preserve Local Control Over the Issuance of Debt to Meet Local Needs
  • Oppose Legislation Resulting in Erosion of Municipal Annexation Authority or Local Control
  • Oppose Legislation Resulting in Erosion of Qualification-Based Selection of Designers
  • Oppose Legislation to Restrict Municipal Lobbying
  • Oppose Legislation or Rulemaking that Erodes Municipal Authority to Manage Infrastructure and Issues Affecting Right of Way (ROW), and Support Legislation or Rulemaking that Supports Municipal Authority to Manage Infrastructure and Issues Affecting ROW.

Below is more detailed look at the City of Buda 2017 Legislative Agenda:


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