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Can Technology Curb Texting While Driving? Apple Says Yes!

Current Apple users will receive a free update of the software in the fall of this year. How does it work?

By, Robert Box

Apple unveiled new software at the Worldwide Developers Conference this past week that will block texting while driving. Well, almost.

Apple calls the new feature, “Do Not Disturb While Driving” and it will be included in the new iOS 11 software for iPads and iPhones. Current Apple users will receive a free update of the software in the fall of this year.

How does it work? According to Apple, the iPhone can utilize Bluetooth technology to detect when the user may be driving and automatically block notifications to keep the device screen dark. An auto-reply may be sent to inform the other party that the recipient is driving and cannot respond until the vehicle is stopped.

Here’s the wrinkle –A text message can still get through to the driver. The program allows senders who receive the “I’m driving and cannot respond” auto-reply text message from the driver’s phone to push the message through by pressing an “urgent” button.

Whether or not you use an Apple product, we urge you, your company and your workers to create and follow a policy of no cell phone use while driving.

Robert Box is the owner of Safety First Consulting and is an exclusive contributor to SM Corridor News. Safety First Consulting helps businesses identify OSHA compliance issues in their workplaces, manage their safety programs, and how to become accountable for the results. You can read more from Robert Box under Business.


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