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CAPCOG, Austin Present On Disaster Planning For Special Events

When it comes to preparing for cybersecurity threats, an organization’s best ally may be other entities attempting to do the same.

Sharing cyber information in an effective manner across multiple organizations can prevent wide-spread impacts from an incident, prevent future incidents and even help catch perpetrators of cybercrimes.

To increase cybersecurity mitigation efforts, the CAPCOG Homeland Security Division will conduct a two-day workshop, June 15 through 16, designed to introduce private and public organizations to information sharing concepts, their value, and how they can help reduce the risk of cyberattacks.

The workshop’s target audience is government and private sector stakeholders responsible for cyber security, critical infrastructure protection and information sharing policies.

By the end of the workshop, participants will develop a framework to help establish an effective regional information sharing program.

Organizations interested in sending representatives can register personnel on PreparingTexas.org.

Learn more about the Homeland Security Division.


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