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CASA Centex Receives National Certification Recognition

CASA of Central Texas Receives National Certification Recognizing the Quality of Its Work for Abused and Neglected Children
Court Appointed Special Advocates of Central Texas has just been awarded certification by the National CASA Association. This certification recognizes that CASA of Central Texas is in compliance with National CASA’s high standards for quality child advocacy.
According to Tara Perry, Deputy CEO/Chief Operating Officer of the National CASA Association, “The National CASA quality assurance process is very rigorous, and reflects our commitment to ensure every child served has a powerful volunteer advocate working on their behalf and a strong program supporting their work.  This certification says CASA of Central Texas has demonstrated to us the capacity to provide excellent advocacy to the abused and neglected children within their community.”
CASA of Central Texas advocates for abused and neglected children in the community by recruiting, training, and supporting community volunteers. CASA volunteers are appointed to children who are confirmed victims of abuse or neglect to independently investigate the case and provide recommendations to the family court judge, what is in the best interest of the child. They often serve as the only consistent adult in the child’s life.
“CASA volunteers explain to the child the events that are happening, why they are in foster care, and the roles the judge, attorneys, and caseworkers play. Advocates offer the children what no one else can: consistency and continuity in the midst of all the chaos the children are experiencing.” Executive Director Norma Castilla-Blackwell said. “In the course of a typical case, the child will experience several foster placements, new schools, caseworker turnover, and one Advocate. The trust that is built allows the CASA to encourage the children to express their feelings and to feel safe. All the while the advocates remain objective observers.”
In 2014, CASA of Central Texas served more than 450 children in Caldwell, Comal, Guadalupe, and Hays Counties but there were still children who did not have the voice of a CASA volunteer. Free training courses start the first week of August 11 in both San Marcos and New Braunfels office locations. To enroll in a training course, please contact CASA at (512) 392-3578 or (830) 626-2272, or visit www.casacentex.org.
Learn more about CASA at a monthly information session, held the first Wednesday of each month at the New Braunfels CASA office, and the second Wednesday of each month in the San Marcos CASA office, both from noon to 1 p.m.

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