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First Turned Around By Travel Ban, Syrian Refugee Family Makes It To Texas

For the Almohammad family, a hold on President Trump’s refugee ban meant they were finally able to reach Texas and…

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Local Inn Owner Disapproves of Gumby’s New Location Plans

By Ashley LeBlanc Gumby’s Pizza is a locally owned business that was started seven years ago, by two brothers and…

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Analysis: What We Talk About When We Talk About School Vouchers

The debate over education savings accounts and other voucher programs is only peripherally about educating kids. It’s really a debate…

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Selling Food Is Good Business In The Capital Area – But What About Local Food Production?

One thing that newcomers and long-time residents have in common is that both buy food locally. And rapid population growth…

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GLO Announces HUD Rules For Administering Flood Recovery Funds

The CDR program of the Texas General Land Office administers the Community Development Block Grants for Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) on…

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Texas’ Job Growth Outpaces Nation’s

Texas gained 213,500 nonagricultural jobs from December 2015 to December 2016, an annual growth rate of 1.8 percent, higher than…

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Amid “Sanctuary” Standoff, Abbott Asks Agencies To List Travis County Funding

Gov. Greg Abbott’s office is asking state agencies to take stock of their funds to Travis County as he further…

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2017 STEM Fair Coming To San Marcos

“More speakers, another rocket launch, the return of the Geek Bus, and a special exhibit by the Circuit of the…

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Amazon Rises Above Expectations

The San Marcos Fulfillment center is the fifth location in the state of Texas. When Amazon opened a fulfillment center…

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Trump’s Executive Action Targets Detention Space And Border Wall

The White House announced Wednesday that in addition to moving to build a barrier on the southern border, it will…

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