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Council Postpones Historic Designation For Cape’s While Talks Continue With County Over Potential Property Trade

“Nobody has talked about what in gods name would be done with the mill race,” Mihalkanin said. “It’s obvious that…

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Hays County Judge Candidate Appears To Owe Additional Debt To Local Nonprofit

By, Terra Rivers, Managing Editor A Hays County candidate appears to have an outstanding invoice with a local non-profit. Hays…

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Documents Show Hays County Judge Candidate Lacks Personal, Business Financial Responsibility

By, Terra Rivers, Managing Editor In May, Corridor News published a two-part story about a local business owner who had…

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San Marcos Affordable ‘Workforce Housing’, Supply & Demand – How We See It

“If desire for goods increases while its availability decreases, its price rises. On the other hand, if availability of the…

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An In-Depth Investigative Look At ‘The Dixie Cream Sweetheart Of A Deal’

Becerra had told him he was to pay Union Pacific Railroad his entire lease payment, and UPRR would in turn…

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Did San Marcos City Council Just Give Local Business Owner A Dixie Cream Sweetheart Of A Deal?

The San Marcos City Council passed a motion Tuesday to waive $11,054.78 in delinquent lease payments from 2013-2016 and reduced…

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San Marcos City Council Meeting To Cover SB 4, Final Vote On Code SMTX & Borrowing $2.6 Million For Purgatory Wildenthal Track

This is the same tract of land that La Cima offered to cover the costs over and above the grant…

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Hays County Announces Position On Private Property Acquisition For Regional Trail System

"We want to assure them (property owners) that eminent domain acquisition for this project is not possible – and we…

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UPDATE: Gary Job Corps’s Management Firm Loses Contract, Under Investigation For Health & Safety Issues

A plastic tote covered exposed electrical wires on the floor, bugs and rat feces throughout the clinic and an overall…

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Gary Job Corps’s Management Firm Loses Contract, Under Investigation For Health & Safety Issues

A plastic tote covered exposed electrical wires on the floor, bugs and rat feces throughout the clinic and an overall…

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