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Hurricane Harvey

Gov. Abbott Announces $30M Dislocated Worker Grant, Changes Unemployment Rules For Texans Impacted By Hurricane #Harvey

“These funds will provide tremendous assistance to workers affected by Hurricane Harvey as we continue to assist Texans during these…

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Fortunes Of Houston’s Industrial, Office Sectors Diverge In Wake Of Hurricane Harvey

With recovery and restoration projects now fully underway across the metro area, demand for construction materials — wood, sheet rock,…

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Tax Deadline Extension Dates Set In Counties Affected By Hurricane #Harvey Damage

Taxpayers who aren’t required to report electronically but choose to do so will also receive the automatic extension. Taxpayers who…

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Gov. Abbott Names Sept. 12 Hand-in-Hand Day In Texas

Hurricane Harvey stuck the Texas coast on Friday, Aug. 23, and held the state hostage for several days before moving…

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Hurricane #Harvey Benefit Concerts Happening Around The State….Find One Near You

Texans have answered the call to help their fellow Texans in large numbers. The Texas Music Office (TMO) has heard…

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Harvey Deals A Blow To Texas’ Already Struggling Child Welfare System

Texas’ child welfare system was already in crisis before Hurricane Harvey. Now, perhaps hundreds of foster families have been displaced by…

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Texas Needs $180B To ‘Future-Proof’ Communities And Infrastructure

Through matching funds, the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation partnered with Abbott, contributed $36 million and challenged others to donate.

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Gov. Abbott Creates Governor’s Commission To Rebuild Texas

“Many communities affected by this disaster are in immediate need of aid from the state and federal governments for the…

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Houston Chronicle: Senate Ups Hurricane Harvey Relief Package To $15 billion

“This funding will serve as an initial first step towards helping Texans begin the process of rebuilding. I’ll continue to work…

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City of San Marcos Signs Contract For Residential Storm Debris Removal

City of San Marcos has contracted to remove fallen limbs, trees and other plant material blown down on residents’ property…

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