
What’s Keeping Nominal Wages Down?

For the past year, the U.S. labor market has moved toward full employment. This hasn’t spurred rapid nominal wage growth. The reason is low inflation…

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Is The E-pocalypse Here?

Contrary to many assumptions, the increased popularity of online shopping does not obviate the need for brick-and-mortar stores. Consumers’ preference…

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VA Releases Veteran Suicide Statistics By State, Age, Gender, Most Common Method

"We know that of the 20 suicides a day that we reported last year, 14 are not under VA care.…

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U.S. Census Releases 2016 Income, Poverty And Health Insurance Coverage In The United States

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2016

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Citizens Want Access To Wi-Fi Any Time, Any Place 24×7

The city of Houston is currently pursuing a project that will place wireless infrastructure in 500 street intersections. There will…

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After 70 Years, The Department Of Veterans Affairs Updates Rating Criteria For All Disabilities

The VA updates rating criteria for all disabilities — First update in more than 70 years to improve benefit delivery...

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VA Unveils Claims Submission Option That Promises To Complete Claims Within 30 Days

Veterans who choose to submit their claim under DRC can expect to receive a decision within 30 days from the…

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Texas State Researcher Dispels 115-Year-Old Myth Propagated By Freud

As noted in the study, a present-day example for this myth is the TV series Monk which showed the OCD-afflicted…

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Bill Could Create Huge New Commercial Marketplaces For Commercial Retailers

A bill awaiting action by the Senate includes a non-heralded section that could have significant effects on procurement methods across…

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State, Local Officials Meet With Cabinet Members To Discuss Infrastructure Plan

The Trump plan relies heavily on private investment and public-private partnerships (P3s), and U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and White…

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