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Analysis: Adding A New Tax Might Be Easier Than Ending An Old Tax Break

Legislators made a lot of those decisions, but not all of them. In 2015, Texas voters approved a constitutional amendment that keeps…

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Analysis: The Most Important Election Of Your Life, Or Is It?

Every few years the election cycle of the United States kicks into its money lavished bombardment of the American people...

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Analysis: Why Is National Media Not Digging Deeper Into Voting Issues?

And that remains a point of question that we all should be asking...

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Analysis: Why There Is No Such Thing As An Exploitative Monopoly In A Free Market

Per Bylund What’s a telltale sign of economic illiteracy? I’m starting to believe the worst is the claim that markets…

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In Our Opinion: Our Nation Is Embraced In Civil Unrest And Anarchism

We have allowed the government to enact law’s amongst us without our consent. To pillage our tithing to the benefit…

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Covid-19 And The Universal Health Scare

It is not normal to propose “immunity passes” enabling the holders to move about society unimpeded. Immunity passes make no…

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Analysis: Rising Property Values — And Taxes — During An Economic Slump

Many Texas property owners are sweating potential increases in their taxes, which are based on property values that don't reflect…

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Analysis: Housing Market Remains Strong While Possible Economic Slowdown Looms

“Economic growth has slowed significantly across the globe, but the slowdown has been more muted domestically. In the United States..."

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The Late Great State Of California

Why would these cold-hearted economists oppose rent control? Because rent controls don’t work and they do the opposite of what…

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Analysis: Texas Benefits From Investing In Safe Pipelines

During my tenure, the Texas Legislature passed laws providing a balanced policy on oversight, regulations and safety, while bringing a…

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