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In Our Opinion… Local Resident Asks “Why The City Gives Money To An Organization Actively Attacking Local Law Enforcement.”

The message was simple, a local resident pondering a question, “I’d love to know why the city gives money to…

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41 Inconvenient Truths On The “New Energy Economy”

Bill Gates has said that when it comes to understanding energy realities “we need to bring math to the problem.”…

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The Income Tax: Lessons From The Sixteenth Amendment

Taxes on spirits distilled from grain and on housing led to the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794 and the Fries Rebellion…

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8 Historic Cases That Show The FBI And CIA Were Out Of Control Long Before Russiagate

By Jon Miltimore and Carey Wedler The survival of liberty depends on skepticism of government power—and make no mistake, that…

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Analysis: Amazon’s NYC Pullout Shows Economy Is Rigged, Just Not the Way Most People Think

Ironically, the very taxes and regulations anti-capitalists champion provide the means for corporations they say they hate to grow to…

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CBRE Analysis: Properties With Flexible Office Space Can Outperform Market

A CBRE analysis of recent national building sales that include flexible office space found that nearly 40 percent of these…

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In Our Opinion – Covington Catholic High School: What Has Happened to Our Country?

The hate that seems to surround us all, is currently being thrown around like a football, has become frightening in…

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Analysis: Property Taxes In Texas Are high. Don’t Expect The Legislature To Change That.

Texas leaders are promising property tax relief during this year's legislative session. It's unlikely that will lower your taxes, but…

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Decentralization Is The Solution To The Government Shutdown

The partial shutdown with the federal government has helped, perhaps more than any other recent political event, to illustrate some…

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In Our Opinion: Sometimes ‘Fake News’ Isn’t So Fake After All

The article the San Marcos Daily Record ran on December 7 titled “Lecturer Lands on ‘Watch List’ and written by…

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