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Analysis: What Is Worse, Going Viral Or Verbal Quarantine

There was a time when the seven words you cannot say on television were blatant profanities. Now it’s like whack…

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Letter To The Editor: Help Make 2020 A Milestone Year For Child Advocacy

The mission was to recruit and train volunteers who would provide an objective viewpoint in civil child protection court cases...

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OP-Ed – It’s A Wonderful Life: Getting Over Post-Grad Blues

“Graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey. It is the beginning of a beautiful one…”- Unknown

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Letter To The Editor: Restoring Cape’s Dam Is Embracing History Of Our River

The Heritage Association of San Marcos has for 45 years worked to preserve our area’s heritage and history. In 2017…

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Letter To The Editor: Last Chance To Contribute! San Marcos Makes Landmark Decision On January 7th

Hays County has offered a generous proposal to beautify the natural spaces around Capes Dam. On January 7th at 3pm…

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Analysis: In Texas Politics, A Little Ignorance Can Lead To Bliss

Not paying attention to every political move isn't a sign of civic disengagement. It might just be a sign of…

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Analysis: In Texas Politics, A Little Ignorance Can Lead To Bliss

Not paying attention to every political move isn't a sign of civic disengagement. It might just be a sign of…

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Op-Ed: The Dark Side Of Integrity…Have You Been There?

Webster’s defines integrity as “the firm adherence to a code of especially moral values” It refers to a person who…

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Analysis: Housing Market Remains Strong While Possible Economic Slowdown Looms

“Economic growth has slowed significantly across the globe, but the slowdown has been more muted domestically. In the United States..."

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The Late Great State Of California

Why would these cold-hearted economists oppose rent control? Because rent controls don’t work and they do the opposite of what…

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