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Letter To The Editor: Proud To Support The GSMP

Dear Editor, I am certain that most of us have been to rural parts of Texas where we see communities…

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Not Wise To Do Same Thing Over Again And Expect Different Results

Guest Column by, BARRIE BREED     Recent discussion regarding pulling funds from the Greater San Marcos Partnership and using…

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Small Business Is The Lifeblood Of Any Community

Guest Editorial A Local Small Business Owner   Our local businesses provide jobs and generate tax revenue for the City. …

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City Council To Reduce Greater San Marcos Partnership Funding

Editor’s Note: The author of this article did an outstanding job hitting some points that were stated during this weeks…

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SM City Council’s Revolving Door Of Nonsense

It was a compliment that gave you a sense of accomplishment when your city’s decision makers appreciated your experience, knowledge,…

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In Our Opinion: Shock & Awe, Over SM City Council’s Hypocrisy Part II

Since my original article, I have had sources say, “the city and county relationship has never been this bad,” or…

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In Our Opinion: Shock & Awe, Over SM City Council’s Hypocrisy

IN OUR OPINION… By Melissa Jewett  Ok, I know it’s been a couple of days after the Tuesday city council…

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What’s The Deal With City Council’s Financing Incentives

By, David LeDoux In the past several of years, the City has been bombarded with requests for various incentive request…

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Opinion: A New Healthcare Fight

State officials in Texas are once again fighting with the Obama administration over health care policy. One side favors more…

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No Man Is Good Enough To Govern Another Man Without The Others Consent

By, Melissa Jewett, Publisher  @CorridorNews “No man is good enough to govern another man without the other’s consent.”  |  Abraham…

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