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Editorial: The Political Shenanigans Need to End!

In Texas, where we have state legislators acting like young children that did not get their way, so they are…

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How governments killed the gold standard

Thus, governments and commercial banks under the gold standard did not have much influence over the money supply in the…

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OP-ED: A rogue unethical state agency

It is an agency that has been named the least transparent in the nation. It is an agency that holds to…

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Analysis: How will you know if Critical Race Theory is taught in your child’s school

“School boards, superintendents, even principals, and teachers are already facing questions about critical race theory, and there are significant disagreements...

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Analysis: America still loves the warfare state

The Russian bounty program took the cake as the most significant news story used to thwart Trump’s sensible withdrawal proposal…

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Op-Ed: Texas, as a sovereign state, has the right to defend its own borders; here’s what needs to happen now

Not only is the Biden administration failing to enforce federal immigration laws, the administration itself is violating the actual laws…

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Op-Ed: We must make policing better without ‘defunding’ or ‘dismantling’

I am an African American man who grew up in rough neighborhoods in Dallas during the most violent period of…

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Analysis: The Worst-Kept Secret in America: High inflation is back

I am skeptical because: first, the Fed since its inception has had a terrible track record accomplishing any of the tasks assigned…

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Commentary: Houston, We Have a Problem: The Chronicle Misleads on Election Integrity

By Roy Maynard To lead off its editorial railing against Senate Bill 7 and efforts to reform—or at least regularize—the rules for…

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Analysis: An end to a weird legislative session, and the beginning of an uncertain political cycle

Texas might be moving from a weird legislative session into a strange political cycle...

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