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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Rallies Anti-Abortion Advocates At The Texas Capitol

Anti-abortion advocates rallied at the Texas Capitol on Saturday, waving flags and cheering on speeches by Gov. Greg Abbott and…

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Texas Republican Executive Committee Censures House Speaker Joe Straus

The State Republican Executive Committee voted to censure Texas House Speaker Joe Straus, R-San Antonio, on Saturday, dinging the outgoing state…

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Analysis: Changing Redistricting Rules Could Change Who Texas Sends To Congress — Dramatically

Texas lawmakers have shown time and again that their preference is for maps that protect incumbents and the political parties…

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AG Paxton Files U.S. Supreme Court Brief Supporting Trump Administration’s Plan To Phase Out DACA

“Texas has successfully argued at all levels of the federal judiciary that the federal executive branch lacks the power to…

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Editorial: What’s An Endorsement Worth?

One way this battle plays out is in the shootout between Empower Texas and the Texas Association of Business, two…

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In Race To Replace U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, 18 Republicans Look To Stand Out

The Republican primary to replace retiring U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, R-San Antonio, has drawn 18 candidates — a staggering number…

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Here’s How The Government Shutdown Is Playing Out In Texas

Most national parks in Texas remain open over the weekend despite the federal government shutdown, but visitors can still expect…

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OP-ED: Government Shutdown

For our democratic colleagues to hold the military funding and children's health insurance hostage is a complete and shameless reversal.

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Going Further Than Prior Proposals, Abbott Unveils A Plan To Slow Texas Property Tax Growth

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Tuesday unveiled a plan to limit annual local governments’ property tax revenue growth to 2.5 percent. To…

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Cornyn Discusses Tax Reform, 2018 Agenda Ahead Of Camp David Retreat

‘What we need is to restore a legal immigration system and enforcement. Our country has been really made great by…

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