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Money In Politics

Earlier this month, during his State of the Union address, President Barack Obama spoke of the need to “reduce the influence…

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Syrians Settle In Texas Without Advance Notice Or Information

The Obama Administration has admitted in federal district court that it failed to provide the State with advance notice of…

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Tommy Ratliff Guilty Of Defamation Of Character, Malicious Lies?

With the media and community members in suspense, Ratliff held tight to a spiral notebook containing his speech notes and…

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Hays County Sheriff Candidate Holds Press Conference

When Corridor News asked, “you say it’s not politics, why choose this timing” to divulge this information, Ratliff replied “I…

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AG Statement on Supreme Court Granting Review in Immigration Case

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton released the following statement yesterday after the U.S. Supreme Court granted certiorari in the state’s…

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Governor Abbott Issues Directive On Iran Divestiture Policy

Governor Greg Abbott today sent a letter to Texas retirement agencies informing them that it will continue to be the…

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Governor Abbott Meets With Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

Governor Greg Abbott today met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss Texas and Israel’s historic bond and how…

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Texas AG Paxton: ‘The safety and security of Texans must always come first’

The Texas Attorney General’s Office today filed a reply in the lawsuit over the refugee process, which is the first…

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Hays County Sheriff Candidate Holds Press Conference

Retired Texas Ranger Tommy Ratliff, current candidate for Hays County Sheriff sent out a mass email inviting members of the…

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Governor Abbott Discusses Convention Of States On The Mark Levin Show And The Kelly File

Governor Greg Abbott appeared on the “Mark Levin Show” and “The Kelly File” on the Fox News Channel Monday evening…

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