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Changes in Today’s (Local) News and Social Media

BY: Melissa Jewett, Publisher
No, I am not going to rehash the hard truth that the internet and social media has changed the way all of us do business, or how we live our lives so differently than we did even 10 years ago, or how I believe we are getting to the point of social media overload. You are going to get our story with what we believe is exciting news for our readers, and I hope you will walk away with a fresh new approach to news.
It has always bothered me that some news organizations make us pay to ascertain news that affects our daily lives. Don’t get me wrong, with a business background, I completely understand that most of them have huge overhead where they need subscription revenue to help cover those expenses, and yes, even the Corridor has overhead. Most small local news outlets run on shoestring budgets and cannot afford to have 20 or 30 reporters scattered throughout Texas.
For just that reason, we have been busy working on local news partnerships so we can bring you the most relevant information from news and media organizations that do have those 20 or 30 reporters, writers, editors, and photographers scattered across the state, and starting this week, you will see articles from these organizations. The SM Corridor News promises to deliver free, local, and informative news. We will include original content, but we will also encompass republished articles and press releases from other organizations. We understand that there will be criticisms for this type of content, but we place confidence in the fact that it will be relevant information to all who live, work, and play in the beautiful Hill Country.
I would like to personally thank all readers and subscribers who have visited www.SMCorridorNews.com since we announced our launch a short couple of weeks ago. No one person is perfect and no one business is perfect, but we will strive to give all our readers the most pertinent information for their daily lives. If there is something that you believe we need to include or have a news tip, send us an email at Info@SMCorridorNews.com or you can contact me personally atMelissa@SMCorridorNews.com
I put daily faith in the quote below, and I strive every day to live up to it and I hope you find something in it for yourself as well.
“Excellence is the Result of Caring more than others think is Wise, Risking more than others think is Safe, Dreaming more than others think is Practical, and Expecting more than others think is Possible.”
Ronnie Oldham

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