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City awarded Texas Planning Achievement Awards

Staff Reports

SAN MARCOS – The City of San Marcos has been recognized with two 2021 Planning Achievement Awards through the American Planning Association (APA) for the 2021 Downtown Design Project.
Photo credited to the City of San Marcos
The City received a General Plan Award through the APA Central Texas Chapter and a Best Practice Award – Silver through the APA Texas Chapter.
These awards are given to a specific planning tool, practice, program, project, or process that emphasizes results and demonstrates how innovative and state-of-the-art planning methods and practices help to create communities of lasting value.
Adopted in March 2021, the Downtown Design project was an initiative directed by City Council to update architectural design standards and guidelines for buildings within downtown San Marcos and included community input, policy guidance, and stakeholder expertise.
The project is recognized for exemplary work and high-quality planning by creating a community-driven process to ensure the look and feel of downtown represent the unique needs and desires of the San Marcos community.
“Community planning provides an opportunity for all residents to be meaningfully involved in making choices that determine the future of San Marcos,” said Planning Manager Andrea Villalobos. “We are extremely proud to be recognized by the American Planning Association and commend our community members, boards, commissions, City Council, and city staff members for their participation and dedication to the project to ensure its success.”
For more information about the Downtown Design Project, visit sanmarcostx.gov/downtowndesign.

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