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Buda City Council Passes Resolution Adopting and Establishing Title VI Program

In 2017, the City received a Federal Transportation Agency grant for the purchase of a new senior transportation van.

The City of Buda is one step closer to its goal of providing additional transportation options.  City council passed a resolution to adopt and establish a Title VI Program.

The program brings Buda into compliance for the purpose of receiving Federal Transportation Agency (FTA) funding.

In 2017, the City received a Federal Transportation Agency grant for the purchase of a new senior transportation van. Due to the receipt of the federal funding, the City is required to have a Title VI Program.

Under the Title VI section of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, any agency receiving federal money cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color or national origin.

Adoption of this resolution and Title VI program puts Buda in a position to apply for future FTA funding.  Buda’s Title VI Plan is similar to most other cities in the region, identifying outreach methods, complaint procedures and creating complaint forms.


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