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City Of Buda Announces Annual Sewer Averaging

The City of Buda reminded residents Monday, Dec. 7, the annual wastewater rate averaging is underway.

The city conducts its annual wastewater rate averaging every year from November through February. By reducing a resident’s water consumption and fixing leaks during this period, they can reduce the amount charged over the proceeding 12 months for the wastewater portion of their bill.

Because there is no meter on the wastewater line, the City utilizes wastewater averaging during the winter months when outdoor water usage is at its lowest.

“We take the average of the 3 lowest usage months during this 4 month period to determine your wastewater charges for the next year,” the city said. “The less water that is used during this period, the more you will save on the wastewater portion of your bill.”

Goforth Water Customers will need to supply the City of Buda Utilities Department with water usage for November & December 2020 and January & February 2021.

The new sewer average billing will go out in March and is due on April 10. The sewer charge will stay the same until next year when the City averages again.

Residents are advised to contact the City of Buda Utilities Department at 512-295-8845 if they have any questions.

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