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City Of Buda Declares Stage 1 Water Restrictions

Use of handheld bucket, handheld hose with a positive shutoff device, soaker hose and/or drip irrigation systems are permitted at any time on any day…

Effective Monday, June 4, 2018, the City of Buda will return to Stage 1 water restrictions in accordance with the City’s adopted Water Resource Management and Drought Response Ordinance.

So far in 2018, 11.73 inches of rain has fallen in Buda and 4 out of the first 5 months have been below average on rainfall. Over half of Buda’s year-to-date precipitation total occurred on a single day, March 28th, when 5.99 inches of rain fell.

Due to the lack of consistent precipitation, and higher than normal demands on our water production system, the City of Buda has decided to enact Stage 1 water restrictions.

Stage 1 Water Allowances and Restrictions

  • Under Stage 1 restrictions, City of Buda water customers must abide by a twice-per-week outdoor irrigation schedule.


  • Outdoor irrigation (automatic hand hose end sprinkler systems) is PROHIBITED between the hours of 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. on the customer’s designated watering day.


  • Odd-numbered residential addresses may water on Wednesday and/or Saturday.


  • Even-numbered residential addresses may water on Thursday and/or Sunday.


  • Commercial, mixed-use and multifamily customers may water on Tuesday and/or Friday.

It is recommended that outdoor watering be limited to one of the permitted water days each week in order to promote conservation.

• Additional Stage 1 water allowances
and restrictions are included below •

  • Outdoor watering with handheld bucket, handheld hose with a positive shutoff device, soaker hose and/or drip irrigation systems are permitted at any time on any day.


  • Irrigation of vegetable gardens with a handheld bucket, handheld hose, soaker hose or drip irrigation system is allowed on any day and at any time.


  • Irrigation of protected trees by a soaker  hose, automatic bubbler, tree watering bag, or similar device placed within the tree’s dripline is allowed on any day and at any time.


  • Commercial nurseries are subject to the time restrictions when using automated irrigation systems, but may operate on any day. Use of handheld bucket, handheld hose with a positive shutoff device, soaker hose and/or drip irrigation systems are permitted at any time on any day.


  • Date and time restrictions for irrigation do not apply during repair or testing of a new or existing irrigation system if the person performing the testing is present. The irrigation system shall only be operated as long as is necessary to diagnose and complete repairs.

• Vehicle Washing •

  • Charity carwashes are allowed, but must be done using a handheld bucket or a handheld hose equipped with a positive shutoff device. Charity carwashes shall not create water waste as defined herein.


  • Noncommercial vehicle washing is allowed on any day and at any time, but must be done using a handheld bucket or a handheld hose equipped with a positive shutoff device.


  • Commercial Vehicle Washing is allowed on any day and at any time.

• Swimming Pools •

  • Swimming Pools are allowed to operate and be filled as normal. It is recommended that swimming pools be covered while not in use to minimize evaporative losses.


  • Operation of non-recirculating aesthetic water features is prohibited at all times.

In addition, foundation watering is allowed on any day and at any time. However, it should not result in pooling or runoff onto impervious surfaces, adjacent property, draining facilities (natural or manmade), sidewalks or streets.

Other nonessential water uses are allowed but all reasonable measures shall be taken to limit the use.

• Violations •

Anyone who violates this ordinance could be fined between $100 and $500 and anyone can report water violations at codeenforcement@ci.buda.tx.us

Additional information on water conservation can be found at www.ci.buda.tx.us. Code Ordinance Section 24.06


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