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City Of Buda Reminds Residents Of Utility Rates For Fiscal Year 2018-2019

The City of Buda conducts its annual sewer rates averaging during November through February. The months used for averaging are the lowest water consumption months of the year.

Utility rates for the new fiscal year will be reflected in the next billing cycle. The next utility bill will go out in late October and is due on November 10th

City of Buda utility customers will see a 2 percent increase in water and a 3 percent increase in wastewater.

2018-2019 Water, Wastewater, and Trash Rates 

Sewer Rates Averaging

The City of Buda conducts its annual sewer rates averaging during November through February. The months used for averaging are the lowest water consumption months of the year. The three lowest months are averaged to get the average consumption amounts that customers are charged for the following 12 months.

If you have any water leaks, like leaky faucets or running toilets, this is the time to make repairs. Making those repairs will help you avoid having high usage during the averaging period. It will help keep sewer costs down for the following year.

Questions about your bill? Contact the City of Buda Utilities Department at 512-295-8845.


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