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City of Buda Seeks Volunteers For Lead And Copper Sampling Program

The City of Buda is seeking help from residents to complete water quality sampling required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) under the Lead and Copper Program.  

This program requires water purveyors to collect a certain number of samples to analyzed for lead and copper based on the population served.  

This year the City of Buda must collect samples from 60 residences.  These 60 residences must be sampled 2 times in 2017- once before June 15 and once before December 15.  

In order to assess the potential for lead and copper leaching, the TCEQ assigns the highest priority to sampling single family homes built between the years of 1982 to 1988.  

Due to building materials used during this time period (copper pipes with lead solder), homes that fit this category would be most likely to exhibit lead and copper leaching if it is occurring in the water distribution system.

In order to correct a representative sample, water must be collected from the kitchen or bathroom sink that is not equipped with a reverse osmosis system after the water has sat unused in the lines for a minimum of six hours.  

The best way to accomplish this is to collect the sample first thing in the morning before any water is used, which is most easily accomplished by the homeowner.  

For this reason, the City is seeking volunteers interested in participating in the Lead and Copper sampling program.

Public Works staff will provide participants with a sample bottle and detailed instructions on how to properly collect and handle the sample.  Also, participants will be given a copy of the lab analysis when they are complete.

If you have a home built between 1982 and 1988 that is not equipped with a reverse osmosis system and would like to participate in this program please contact Public Works at 512-312-2876 or email billibridge@ci.buda.tx.us.


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